Sunday, April 12, 2009

To our friends

It is late in the day on Easter Sunday.  We are now less than one week from flying to Addis to pick up our daughters.  At this time a mere seven days from now we will be waking in beautiful Africa and preparing to meet our daughters for the first time.  Wow... Please check back often in the coming weeks.  We are planning on posting photos and video from our trip and regular updates.  We want all of you to be a part of this and to be a part of our lives.

We have been so blessed by so many who have offered to help us in many different ways.  It is very powerful and overwhelming!!  For those of you who are still looking for ways to be a part of our adoption, it is customary for adoptive parents to bring donations to the agencies that have helped and cared for their children.  The needs of these agencies are so great, and many supplies are not available in Ethiopia, so they rely on us, as the primary means of bringing over needed supplies.  As you might imagine, we are a little burdened with the costs of bringing our girls home, and have not been able to do as much as we would like in this respect.  We are still hoping for donations of these things:
Diapers- newborn, size 1's, 2's and 3's.
Formula- milk based
Financial donations for Tarikua's deaf school and the CWA orphanage where our kids have been cared for for the last year.

If you are able, we would welcome gifts to take with us next week.  These offerings can be made through our church's adoption ministry, Mission Hope.  

Please send donations to 
First Baptist Church Adoption Ministry
301 S. Wayne Ave.
Waynesboro, VA 22980

Checks may be made payable to 
First Baptist Church 
Memo Line:  Adoption Ministry:Ethiopia

We thank everyone for all the support you have given us, most important are your love and prayers!!  Please know that your love and support for our family and the promises of love and support to come are what have given us the courage to follow this dream!  Keep checking our Blog for updates from Ethiopia!  Know that we take all of you along with us!

Much love and many blessings!

He is good!

Bob and Lynn



  1. How exciting! I'll pray for a safe journey, smooth logistics, and a joyful meeting!

  2. We are so excited for your family and can't wait to meet the girls!

    Scott and Kelly

  3. We are so excited for you- can't wait to hear about your journey!
