Saturday, May 2, 2009


I had intended to update friends and family with life in our family with this post.  As I started to type minutes ago I learned that another family we know through the Internet has experienced a tragedy in the midst of their travels.  

Many of you might know that Lynn and I had a last minute dash to bring soy formula to Ethiopia for a sick baby at the Soddo orphanage where our girls had lived.  This family had  gone to receive beautiful twins in the last week.  We just learned that her family arrived in Ethiopia and that one of the babies passed away in her new parents' arms shortly after receiving her.  They are confident that this precious angel had been hanging on to be with her forever family.

Please lift the Minor family in your thoughts and prayers.  


  1. Bob,

    They will be on our prayer list!! What a sad story!

  2. We will remember them. Whatever stress we experience pales in comparison.
